NEWS: XT-Thrive®, the Standard for Non-Toxic Cryopreservation, Now Available in cGMP Grade. Discover >

Preserve Mammalian Cells At Ultra-Low Temperatures With XT-Thrive®

XT-Thrive® is a DMSO-free, serum-free, protein-free, and chemically defined cryopreservation media for the preservation of mammalian cells at ultra-low temperatures (-70° C to -196° C). Designed and manufactured with the utmost quality in mind, XT-Thrive® is tailored to provide high cell recovery and functionality. It is a non-toxic & hyper-effective alternative to traditional cryopreservatives and is plug and play for cell & tissue manufacturing processes.

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625 Alfred Nobel Drive
Suite B
Hercules, CA 94547


X-Therma GmbH
Langer Weg 11 
6020 Innsbruck